برنامج SphereXP البديل لسطح مكتبك برنامج حمله الملاييين مفهوم تكنلجوية ثلاثية ابعاد لسطح مكتبك اعطي روح جديدة لسطح مكتبك يقوم هاذا البرنامج بتحويل سطح مكتبك الى فضاء ثلاثي أبعاد تكنلويجة رائعة جداً وجديدة لتجعل من سطح مكتبك في قمة الروعة سوف يجعل من نوافذ الويندوز تتطاير على سطح مكبتك بشكل ثلاثي أبعاد ماأروع هاذا البرنامج بمميزاته الرائعة والجديدة برنامج غريب جداً ورائع في نفس الوقت سوف يجعل سطح مكتبك سطح فضائي ثلاثي ابعاد أذا أردت ان تنتقل الى تكنلوجية ثلاثية ابعاد للسطح مكتبك أليك بهاذا البرنامج بكل تأكيد سوف يجعل سطح مكتبك تحفة رائعة وسوف تندهش عندما ترى نوافذ سطح كنتبك تتطار بشكل ثلاثي أبعاد برنامج رائع وغريب يستحق التحميل والتجربة
SphereXP description
SphereXP - a free 3D desktop replacement for Microsoft Windows XP
The SphereXP is a 3D desktop replacement for Microsoft Windows XP. Taking the known concept of three-dimensional desktops to its own level.
SphereXP is a software that replaces windows desktop and organize objects on the desktop.
It offers a new way to organize objects on the desktop such a icons and applications.
The project was under "heavy" construction, but now it is open for testing. Everybody is free to try it out. Every response is appreciated.
The Sphere is theory of an 3D workspace. The SphereXP is an example of the theory. The environment is user-centered. It is represented by a sphere. The user is exactly in the middle of it. All objects are situated around the user. He can easily turn around and manipulate with the objects. All the objects that users are used to having on their regular desktop are now integrated
in a three-dimensional environment.
There are icons and applications. They can be move around according to some rules. You can bring them closer to the view port or send them back.
Too much freedom of movement may cause disorientation. Therefore I chose to apply strict rules for moving in the environment. The user cannot go outside the designated area – the sphere. I call this type of navigation spherical. The view port is always facing apart from the sphere center. Once the user sets the distance from the center, the view port can be only rotated around it.
This makes the navigation easier and prevents the user to get to an angle where he cannot see anything. A simple tool is used to ensure effective navigation and to prevent the user to get lost. It is a minimized version of the sphere situated in the right bottom corner. It provides an overview of where the view port is pointing and where all the objects are.
The only thing that the user is allowed to change is the background image. This ensures that this environment will have the same functionality and layout on every computer. Users have to get used only to one environment.
Please keep in mind that project is more of a vision. Due to the limitations of Windows I'm not able to do everything as I would like to. I know it is still not very usable, but I'll try to make it work as I can. I hope when there's time for it, this theory will have a satisfying implementation.
· Windows XP (2000), 3D accelerated graphics adapter (min 64MB), processor should be at least 1.0 GHz. 256 MB RAM (512MB recommended)
· .NET Framework 2.0 installed