منتديات النورس
عزيزي الزائر مرحبا بكـ

يرجى الدخول أو التسجيل إذا كنت ترغب في الإنضمام إلينا

تذكر أن هذا المنتدى يحتاج لتفعيل تسجيلك من الإيميل


منتديات النورس
عزيزي الزائر مرحبا بكـ

يرجى الدخول أو التسجيل إذا كنت ترغب في الإنضمام إلينا

تذكر أن هذا المنتدى يحتاج لتفعيل تسجيلك من الإيميل


منتديات النورس
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتديات النورس

أفضل منتدى عربي
الرئيسيةأفضل منتدى عربيأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 abdominal injuries

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الجوهرة المصونة
الجوهرة المصونة



المشاركات : 17164

العمـر : 36

تعاليق : مشرفة الطب والصحة

المزاج : abdominal injuries Pi-ca-51

الدولة : abdominal injuries Libya12

المهنة : abdominal injuries Doctor10

الهواية : abdominal injuries Readin10

التسجيل : 10/10/2008

النقاط : 18248

التقييم : 501

رسالة sms
لا شى يرفع قدر المرأة كالعفة ولاشى يرفع قيمتها إلا أخلاقها ولا شى يرفع درجتها الا بإيمانها وتقواها ...وإذا إجتمعت هذه الاشياء فى المرأة فتكون اللؤلؤة التى ينتظرها كل شاب يخاف الله..

mms abdominal injuries Mms.nkh5.com_37

توفيقك يارب

abdominal injuries King11

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مُساهمةموضوع: abdominal injuries   abdominal injuries Emptyالجمعة مارس 12, 2010 11:58 am

Abdominal trauma is an injury to the abdomen. It may be blunt or penetrating and may involve damage to the abdominal organs. Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, tenderness, rigidity, and bruising of the external abdomen. Abdominal trauma presents a risk of severe blood loss and infection. Diagnosis may involve ultrasonography, computed tomography, and peritoneal lavage, and treatment may involve surgery.

Abdominal trauma is divided into blunt and penetrating types. While Penetrating abdominal trauma (PAT) is usually diagnosed based on clinical signs, blunt abdominal trauma is more likely to be missed because clinical signs are less obvious. Penetrating trauma is further subdivided into stab wounds and bullet wounds, which have different treatments.

Vehicle accidents are a common cause of blunt abdominal trauma. Seat belts reduce the incidence of injuries such as head injury and chest injury, but present a threat to such abdominal organs as the pancreas and the intestines, which may be compressed against the spinal column. Falls and sports are also frequent mechanisms of abdominal injury.
Gunshot wounds, which are higher energy than stab wounds, are usually more damaging than the latter. Gunshot wounds that penetrate the peritoneum result in significant damage to major intra-abdominal structures over 90 percent of cases.

Signs and symptoms
Pneumoperitoneum, seen as an air bubble on the lower left side of the X-ray film
People injured in traffic accidents may present with a "seat belt sign", bruising on the abdomen along the site of the lap portion of the safety belt; this sign is associated with a high rate of injury to the abdominal organs. Seatbelts may also cause abrasions and hematomas; up to 30 percent of people with such signs have associated internal injuries. Early indications of abdominal trauma include nausea, vomiting, and fever. haematouria is another sign. The injury may present with abdominal pain, tenderness, distension, or rigidity, and bowel sounds may be diminished or absent. Abdominal guarding is a tensing of the abdominal wall muscles to guard inflamed organs within the abdomen. Pneumoperitoneum, may be an indication of rupture of a hollow organ. In penetrating injuries, an evisceration (protrusion of internal organs out of a wound) may be present.
Injuries associated with intra-abdominal trauma include rib fractures, vertebral fractures, pelvic fractures, and injuries to the abdominal wall.

Abdominal trauma can be life threatening because abdominal organs, especially those in the retroperitoneal space, can bleed profusely, and the space can hold a great deal of blood. Solid abdominal organs, such as the liver and kidneys, bleed profusely when cut or torn, as do major blood vessels such as the aorta and vena cava. Hollow organs such as the stomach, while not as likely to result in shock from profuse bleeding, present a serious risk of infection. especially such an injury it is not treated promptly. Gastrointestinal organs such as the bowel can spill their contents into the abdominal cavity. Hemorrhage and systemic infection are the main causes of deaths that result from abdominal trauma.
One or more of the intra-abdominal organs may be injured in abdominal trauma. The characteristics of the injury are determined in part by which organ or organs are injured.

The liver, the most vulnerable abdominal organ to penetrating injury because of its size and location, The liver is also vulnerable to blunt trauma. Liver injuries present a serious risk for shock because the liver tissue is delicate and has a large blood supply and capacity.in general the liver is the most commonly injured abdominal organ. The liver may be lacerated or contused, and a hematoma may develop. It may leak bile, usually without serious consequences. If severely injured, the liver may cause exsanguination (bleeding to death), requiring emergency surgery to stop the bleeding.

The spleen is the second most commonly injured intra-abdominal organ in, specially by the blunt truma. A laceration of the spleen may be associated with hematoma. Because of the spleen's ability to bleed profusely, a ruptured spleen can be life threatening, resulting in shock. However, unlike the liver, penetrating trauma to the spleen, pancreas and kidneys do not present as much of an immediate threat of shock unless they lacerate a major blood vessel supplying the organs, such as the renal artery. Fractures of the left lower ribs are associated with spleen lacerations in 20 percent of cases.

The small intestine takes up a large part of the abdomen ironically and is likely to be damaged in penetrating injury. The bowel may be perforated. Gas within the abdominal cavity seen on CT is understood to be a diagnostic sign of bowel perforation; however intra-abdominal air can also be caused by pneumothorax (air in the pleural cavity outside the lungs that has escaped from the respiratory system) or pneumomediastinum. The injury may not be detected on CT. Bowel injury may be associated with complications such as infection, abscess, bowel obstruction, and the formation of a fistula. Bowel perforation requires surgery
note: other organs like kidneys; pancreas and also urinary bladder can be injured

One study found that ten percent of polytrauma patients who had no clinical signs of abdominal injury did have evidence of the such injuries using radiological imaging. Diagnostic techniques used include CT scanning, ultrasound, and X-ray. X-ray can help determine the path of a penetrating object and locate any foreign matter left in the wound, but may not be helpful in blunt trauma. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is a controversial technique but can be used to detect injury to abdominal organs: (a catheter is placed in the peritoneal cavity, and if fluid is present, it is aspirated and examined for blood or evidence of organ rupture.). If this does not reveal evidence of injury, sterile saline is infused into the cavity and evacuated and examined for blood or other material. While peritoneal lavage is an accurate way to test for bleeding, it carries a risk of injuring the abdominal organs, may be difficult to perform, and may lead to unnecessary surgery; thus it has largely been replaced by ultrasound.Ultrasound can detect fluid such as blood or gastrointestinal contents in the abdominal cavity, and it is a noninvasive procedure and relatively safe for the patient. CT scanning is the preferred technique for people who are not at immediate risk of shock, However, people with abdominal trauma frequently need CT scans for other trauma (for example, head or chest CT); in these cases abdominal CT can be performed at the same time without wasting time in patient care. Diagnositic laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy may also be performed if other diagnostic methods do not yield conclusive results.

Initial treatment involves stabilizing the patient enough to ensure adequate airway, breathing, and circulation, and identifying other injuries. Surgery may be needed to repair injured organs. Surgical exploration is necessary for people with penetrating injuries and signs of peritonitis or shock. Laparotomy is often performed in blunt abdominal trauma, and is urgently required if an abdominal injury causes a large, potentially deadly bleed
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المشاركات : 30951

العمـر : 93

تعاليق : مؤسس منتدى النورس

المزاج : abdominal injuries Pi-ca-16

الدولة : abdominal injuries 0mhmou10

المهنة : abdominal injuries Doctor10

الهواية : abdominal injuries Unknow11

التسجيل : 09/10/2008

النقاط : 39243

التقييم : 1559

رسالة sms

أنا رجل لم أتعود إلآ لعب

دور البطولة وغير البطولة

لآ أرضى . أنسحب لأترك

ذلك الدور لمن يستحق

وكفى ...

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: abdominal injuries   abdominal injuries Emptyالسبت مارس 13, 2010 7:30 pm

يعطيك العافية جوهرهـ القصر

هذا الموضوع خاص بالجراحة

اتمنى لاحقا ان تكتبي بالعنوان تابع لأي مادة طبية موضوعكـ
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عاشقة الزهور



المشاركات : 75737

العمـر : 40

المزاج : abdominal injuries Pi-ca-53

الدولة : abdominal injuries Palest10

المهنة : abdominal injuries Profes10

الهواية : abdominal injuries Painti10

التسجيل : 09/03/2009

النقاط : 101796

التقييم : 846

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: abdominal injuries   abdominal injuries Emptyالسبت مارس 20, 2010 10:24 am

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الجوهرة المصونة
الجوهرة المصونة



المشاركات : 17164

العمـر : 36

تعاليق : مشرفة الطب والصحة

المزاج : abdominal injuries Pi-ca-51

الدولة : abdominal injuries Libya12

المهنة : abdominal injuries Doctor10

الهواية : abdominal injuries Readin10

التسجيل : 10/10/2008

النقاط : 18248

التقييم : 501

رسالة sms
لا شى يرفع قدر المرأة كالعفة ولاشى يرفع قيمتها إلا أخلاقها ولا شى يرفع درجتها الا بإيمانها وتقواها ...وإذا إجتمعت هذه الاشياء فى المرأة فتكون اللؤلؤة التى ينتظرها كل شاب يخاف الله..

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توفيقك يارب

abdominal injuries King11

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: abdominal injuries   abdominal injuries Emptyالثلاثاء أغسطس 24, 2010 10:26 am

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